Ready to Align with your Soul Purpose?

Become crystal clear on your Soul Purpose.
With this method you will understand 5 aspects of your soul path:
1. Career
2. Lifestyle
3. Location
4. Relationships
5. Physical Health

Through doing the method you will understand who you are and why you are here.

Q: Can I try a sample of the method and experience how it works?
You you can download the 20 page Soul Purpose manual pdf by clicking here.

For more information on Soul Purpose click here
Click here to find out more about my services.

For testimonials click here

My Background Story:

Hi my name is Myles and I am the founder of The Soul Alignment Method.

At 19 I was diagnosed with 3 medically incurable health conditions (Colitis, Medium grade colon prolapse, severe E.D). After a long search for answers I reached a moment where I wanted to give up on life. On this day I fell on my bed and I experienced what I could only call an awakening. I watched the story of my life play out like it was a movie reel. As I was watching the story I realised that I was more than this story. I was more than this mind and body, I was this awareness that was watching. In that moment I took a step back and witnessed life as a story. It was overwhelming bliss.

Over the coming months I healed from all of my health conditions. In my mind I had no idea what was going on. I was at peace and I no longer felt interested in the mind and its whole idea of the world. I watched memories resurface over and over again. Memories from my parents, their parents. It was like I was processing their life memories. My body just knew what to do.

I started to document my process of healing. This is when I created my first method which teaches people how to listen to their body and heal intergenerational trauma in the nervous system. Months later I went on to study a cutting edge neuroscience method called P-DTR.

Over the years many tough challenges occurred but I continued to write and create new methodologies. In 2019 I started to suffer from severe levels of apathy. I found it very difficult to engage with the outside world. I started to lose my will to eat and move. I had been living in Brazil for 6 months with no contact with the outside world. In January 2020 after 3 nights of not sleeping, my mouth started bleeding, I had lost a lot of weight. I walked on the beach at night and felt this overwhelming struggle to walk any further. I collapsed onto the ground. I remember hearing all the fluids leave my body, I started to see my body from metres above and bang. Everything was gone. No me, no I, no color, no form. Pure nothingness.

I remember seeing consciousness (universe) create form. I was a soul with a unique blueprint, with a specific identity and every soul had their own. A voice came and said “It is easy to die but it is harder to do what it is required to live the life you are meant to live”. In this moment I remember coming back to the breath and into this body. I was this man again. I realised that it is perfect design. It is all on purpose and I am only conscious of it now.

After processing this moment for many years I in turn articulated The Soul Alignment Method. This method works through me but does not ultimately belong to me. The Soul Alignment Method is here to help you align with your Soul Purpose.

Find out more about my story here.
Thank you for listening.


Become a Soul Alignment Mentor

Are you a facilitator or coach who wants to mentor someone on a Soul level?

Becoming a Soul Alignment Mentor is a 2 year course. The training develops your ability to facilitate the 5 areas of Mentoring a Soul.

  1. Entering the state of Soul Alignment.

  2. Healing

  3. Soul Purpose

  4. Conscious Relating

  5. Conscious Communion

Q: How in depth is this?

This course will break down every area of your Soul Journey. It will show you your Soul Blueprint. Your Karma and your Dharma. It will accelerate your evolution. After this we will learn how to facilitate what we just went through.

Note: Enrolment for 2023, 2024 is finished (currently in progress). 2025 is now open.

For more information email:

Do you know your Purpose but feel blocked to live it?

If you know your purpose but are struggling to live it, it is likely you have healing to do.

Our limiting beliefs and emotional trauma self sabotage our success.
To embody our purpose we must clear all that no longer serves.

Q: What type of Healing service do I provide?

I guide people to heal their emotional trauma.
Often our emotional trauma will come from our parents and family lineage. I specialise in healing Ancestral trauma (Intergenerational trauma). I am the founder of a family trauma healing method called Inner Constellations®️. I discovered this method through healing myself from 3 incurable health conditions.

For more information on Healing click here.

Q: What is my experience of healing?

At 19 I was diagnosed with 3 medically incurable health conditions, after years of seeking healing one day I gave up and broke down. In this moment I experienced what I can only describe as a “rememberance of my true nature”.
I seen my mother, her mother and my whole ancestral line guide me into their history. I started processing their trauma. (Full story below)
This was how I created my Ancestral Healing method. I have travelled the world for the past 7 years teaching and facilitating this type of healing for others.

Have a direct experience of your Soul

Have a direct experience of your Soul by entering the Soul Alignment State.

Q: Where can I try it?

Try a live meditation by contacting Myles.

For more information on the Soul Alignment State click here

Contact me.